Previous Episode: Should We Trust the Dates?

God has designed his creation to come back quickly after something terrible happens. Here’s an example. If you visit Mount St. Helens in Washington state, you’ll see a beautiful wilderness.

This is Ken Ham, CEO of the ministry that built a full-size Noah’s Ark south of Cincinnati.

How long does it take an area to recover from a major catastrophe? You might think a really long time. But not always!

God has designed his creation to come back quickly after something terrible happens. Here’s an example. If you visit Mount St. Helens in Washington state, you’ll see a beautiful wilderness. But that landscape is brand-new. A volcanic eruption forty years ago destroyed everything, and it’s grown back very quickly.
The world would’ve rebounded quickly after the global flood of Noah’s day.

God created life to be fruitful and fill the earth. And that’s exactly what it does.

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Lasting Lessons from Mount St. Helens Mount St. Helens in Washington State