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Climate change is one of the big issues of our day. It’s all over the news, and it seems almost everything can be blamed on man-made climate change!

This is Ken Ham, an Aussie transplant with a passion for God’s Word … and the gospel.

Climate change is one of the big issues of our day. It’s all over the news, and it seems almost everything can be blamed on man-made climate change!

Well, all this week we’re going to look at some things scientists ignore about climate debate.

The first thing they ignore is that God has a plan and purpose for this earth. He created it to be inhabited. And he set up systems for our good.

In Genesis, and after Noah’s flood, God promised that the weather cycles—and planting and harvest—will always continue.

We need to care for earth, absolutely! But don’t be fearful that humans will ruin everything. God will care for—and sustain—his creation.

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What Scientists Ignore About Climate Change What or Who Is Causing Climate Change? That Depends on Your Starting Point