At Answers in Genesis, we’re unashamedly pro-life. We stand against abortion and euthanasia. We stand up for life. It’s a natural consequence of our position on biblical authority.

This is Ken Ham, a publisher of the award-winning family magazine called Answers.

At Answers in Genesis, we’re unashamedly pro-life. We stand against abortion and euthanasia. We stand up for life. It’s a natural consequence of our position on biblical authority.

You see, when you start with God’s Word in Genesis, you understand that humans are made in God’s image. We’re not like the rest of creation. We’re unique: each human life has value because he or she is made in God’s image.

Our pro-life beliefs are grounded in the Bible and the truths it teaches. But if we’re just animals—the result of millions of years of evolution—then why value human life? We have no more value than a fruit fly or banana.

Yes, your starting point matters!

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