Comets can’t last very long, yet they’re all over the solar system. And this is a big problem for the billions of years worldview.

This is Ken Ham, a missionary to our evolutionized culture … including inside the church.

Comets are balls of ice and dust that orbit the sun. They’re best known for the spectacular tail that forms as they pass the sun.

Now, each time a comet passes close by the sun, it loses material in this tail. So, they get smaller and smaller … until they disappear forever.

Comets can’t last very long, yet they’re all over the solar system. And this is a big problem for the billions of years worldview. Secular astronomers must assume comets are somehow being replenished. But there’s no evidence for this. It’s just a belief because they’re already committed to billions of years.

This is another evidence that our universe is young, as the Bible teaches.

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