Genesis chapter 19 records God’s fiery judgment on two very wicked cities—Sodom and Gomorrah. But what was their sin?

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Genesis chapter 19 records God’s fiery judgment on two very wicked cities—Sodom and Gomorrah. But what was their sin? Well, it’s described as the men of Sodom trying to cruelly violate two angels disguised as men.

It’s clear from the text that homosexuality is part of their sin. But some Christians argue it wasn’t that at all—the sin was a supposed lack of hospitality.

Well, in the book of Jude, we read that the men of Sodom went after “strange flesh”—a clear reference to homosexuality.

Those who try to ignore that part of Sodom’s sin are just trying to justify what the Bible clearly calls sin.

Dig Deeper

Sodom and Gomorrah: What Was the Primary Sin? The Destruction of Sodom and the Future Judgment