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Volume 141 of Answers with Ken Ham

This is Ken Ham, inviting your family to visit our massive Noah’s Ark south of Cincinnati.

Romans chapter eight describes creation as “groaning.” And that’s certainly true! Death, disease, natural disasters and war ravage the earth and those who live here. Yes, there’s still beauty in creation, but it’s marred by sin and death. But why?

Well, the Apostle Paul tells us: God subjected creation to futility. It’s not the way God originally intended for it to be! And he promises someday creation will be set free from this bondage.

Now, for those who believe in millions of years, creation, in that view, has always been this way!

In a biblical view, creation was perfect, broken by sin, and will someday be restored to what it was originally.

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Young Earth Creation & The Gospel Why Is the World Broken?