Previous Episode: A Smarter Eye?

Our world isn’t the world God made—it’s a groaning, fallen version of the “very good” world God originally made.

This is Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and Ark Encounter.

This week, we’re looking at so-called “poor design” in the human body.

A common example is the birth canal. You see, as mothers well know, it’s painful to have a baby.

Here’s why: the female pelvis is fairly narrow, so it’s hard for a baby’s large head to fit. Is this bad design? Well, the Bible gives us the answer. Genesis chapter 3 specifically says that pain in human childbirth is a consequence of sin! It’s not because God designed us poorly. It’s because childbirth is broken by sin!

Our world isn’t the world God made—it’s a groaning, fallen version of the “very good” world God originally made.

Dig Deeper

The Evolution of Childbirth? Are Humans Evolving Through Caesarean Sections?