God is the eyewitness Creator … who was there at the beginning. He gives us the true history of the world in his Word. And that needs to be our starting point!

This is Ken Ham, a missionary to our evolutionized culture … and even to the church.

Have you ever had an MRI? Well, these machines have saved millions of lives. They’re a wonderful medical advancement. But did you know they were invented by a creation scientist?

Dr. Raymond Damadian is a Christian who believes God’s Word, beginning in Genesis. And he gives God the credit for his wonderful invention.

He’s a great example of creationists doing amazing work. You don’t have to believe in evolution … and millions of years … to be a scientist. Those ideas are imposed on the evidence.

But God is the eyewitness Creator … who was there at the beginning. He gives us the true history of the world in his Word. And that needs to be our starting point!

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What is Biblical Creation and Why is it Important? Christian Scientists