Alicia Algeciras-Schimnich, Ph.D., discusses how Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ new noninvasive blood test for Alzheimer’s disease identifies the p-tau217 biomarker, which is associated with the accumulation of amyloid beta in the brain. Positive test results can facilitate access to disease-modifying therapies. 


Dr. Algeciras, could you just provide a little bit of background on your role at Mayo Clinic?


So before we get into the test itself, can you just explain a little bit about the disease state and especially some of the recent changes?


 So can you explain a little bit more about what the results that our clients will receive look like?


 Can you just give a quick overview of how our test is unique compared to those on the market?


 What patients should have this testing performed, Dr. Algeciras and if you have any tips on which patients should not, please include that as well?


 Let's talk now about how those results are used in patient care.


 One more question, just summarize for our listeners what you're most excited about with this new test.