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You Got This! Creating a Fulfilling Life and Reaching Your Highest Potential as a Modern Mom

SHOW GUEST: Ally Loprete

A lifelong cheerleader’s guide to owning your truth, creating a fulfilling life and reaching your highest potential as a modern mom. Whether stuck in a circumstance, blocked from introspection or seeking deeper purpose, You Got This! is a call for inspired action and reverence of personal triumph. It’s a permission slip to courageously celebrate all of life’s journeys, rebel against societal expectations, and discover the unabashed self-truth that will lead to powerful personal transformations and spiritual enlightenment.

You Got This! is an honorable and brutally visible chronicle of a former cheerleader and current mom’s perspective –written in a language that will especially resonate with today’s modern parent — unleashing the true grit of what it takes to reach ones highest potential and as well as the top of the pyramid.