Resilience Not Included: Practical Parenting Tips for Instilling Resilience

SHOW GUEST: Beth Terry

Beth Terry's book, Raising Resilient Kids, is packed with wonderful insights, practical information, and delightful stories from her 30 years of raising OPK's - Other People's Kids.

Like everyone, Beth learned the hard way, only instead of one child at a time, she started with three pre-teens all at once when she was only 33. After that, her involvement at church landed her a handful of god-kids who were hurting and needed her help, one of whom came with a Probation officer! She got those kids squared away, then fell in love with a man who had four little girls under the age of 10. Beth didn't have nine months to get used to the idea of kids in the home again... she dived right in.

Moms and Dads - this is the advice you wish you had when you started your family. Your kids will benefit, new moms and dads will love the sections on family meetings and chore lists. In an interview you will not want to miss,Terry shares her unique take on the world and how Raising Resilient Kids will help you make it through your day and give you ideas you can share with those you love.