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Finally! A Mindfulness Approach to Video Games for Play-Based Social-Emotional Learning, Just in Time for the Holidays

Show Guest: Mike Langlois

This time of year, the requests start pouring in: "Can I get a Nintendo Switch?" "The New Call of Duty Black Ops Just Came Out, Can I have it for Christmas?" "Everyone else is getting an Xbox 1X, Why Can't We Get One." At the same time, parents are watching the news, with its' daily stories of terrorist attacks and mass shootings, and wondering, "Is there a connection between these video games and violence?" And even if there isn't, how will I ever get my kid to come to dinner on time without turning our house into a live version of Battlefield 4?

Mike Langlois is here to say, remain calm; and to help us put things in perspective. He's been working with children and adolescents for a quarter century, and although the news may tell you otherwise, his clinical experience and social analysis is that video games are a net gain rather than the end of civilization as we know it. Mike will help us take a deep dive into games like Minecraft and talk about how they can be instrumental in increasing mindfulness, anger management, and creating a shared language with parents and their player offspring. All that and Creepers-Boom!