New updated version of Pride and Prejudice
You can listen to the whole thing in the episode backlist (or buy it HERE)
NEW BOOK coming NEXT WEEK - so stay tuned for that!!!

This was a LONG time in coming but it's finally here! Pride & Prejudice was one of the 1st books I did here on AWA. Since then, my quality has vastly improved technically and (I hope!) in my narration as well! Since P&P was one of my most popular books that I've done, I wanted to give you guys a brand new version - updated, revised, and better!:)

I would LOVE to hear what you think! Hit me up with any of the contact links below & let me know what you think of this updated version of P&P!

This is just a sample of the book. I'm going to be slowly updating the episodes that I've already published with the new audio files. So if you want to hear the rest of the book, be sure to go check out the back list for all P&P episodes!

If you just can't wait, want to hear it NOW, and want to support the podcast at the same time - would you consider buying the audiobook...?:) If not, no big deal! I'll still post it on the podcast for you for free, but if you can support the podcast in that way, I would be eternally grateful (and it'll help me put out even more content for you!!!

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If that’s not for you, don’t worry, I’ll still make you audiobooks;) All I ask is that you listen to and share the podcast with your friends! I’ve made that easy for you with the links below!

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