Liberal leaning Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died of cancer on Friday, September 18, 2020. She became a cultural icon in her 80's and was well known for her championship of women's rights. Justice Ginsburg reportedly told her granddaughter that her wish was for the next elected president of the United States to name her successor. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell says the Senate will vote on a nominee before the next election. The political system is in an uproar. Hear analysis of the potential change in the Supreme Court if a conservative leaning justice is chosen, and what that might mean for major issues before the Court such as the Affordable Care Act and abortion rights. Our guests are Dr. Eric Claville, Director, Center for African American Public Policy at Norfolk State University, and author, speaker, multimedia communications consultant and former metro news columnist for the Daily Press in Newport News, VA, Dr. Wil LaVeist.