You break the law and are convicted of a felony. You are sentenced and serve your time in prison. You are released. You find a job and re-engage in society. You are a full citizen....or are you? On election day 2016 1.4 million African American men, that's more than 1 in 8, will be unable to vote because of state laws that deny felons the right to vote. In Virginia, 25% of otherwise eligible Black men cannot vote. However, there is movement afoot in Virginia and other states to restore full citizenship, including the right to vote, to former felons. Joining us to talk about it is Levar M. Stoney, Secretary of the Commonwealth; Amos Jones, Associate Professor of Law, Campbell Law School and Corey Brooks, Director of Business Development and Community Affairs with Youth Solutions. Plus Lisa Godley brings us a profile of actress Angela Bassett. It's all on Another View, Friday, March 4 at noon on 89.5 WHRV-FM, or stream us live on this blog!