What happens to an at risk elementary school student, from a low income household, who is reading at least one to two grades below class level? Can that child catch up? Is there hope for academic success? According to the leaders at Park Place School - the answer is "yes"! On the next Another View, we'll talk about this unique school designed to help struggling students get back on track despite their learning difficulties. Executive Director Michelle Schultz, Park Place School Board member Althea Woodson-Robinson, teacher Jeananne Kodya and alumni Cleo Simms share the stories of success and growth. Plus, Lisa Godley introduces us to the Renaissance Performing Arts and Drama Center (R-PAD), a Portsmouth spiritually based program that provides a safe space for creative art expression. It's all on Another View, Friday, November 4 at noon on 89.5 WHRV-FM and whrv.org.