What would make a young African American male, raised in church, member of the Boy Scouts and good student turn to gang life? Why does any young person choose to join a gang...or is it a choice? On the next Another View you will hear the story of Quantez Demont Russell who at 30 years old and in a gang, disappeared and hasn't been seen since. His mother, Joan Russell Turner, has turned the heartbreak of not knowing what happened to her son into action to help save other children from gang life. Also joining us is gang expert Bobby Kipper, Founder and Director of the National Center for the Prevention of Community Violence. If you are a parent, teacher, mentor, coach or in any way involved with the well-being of children you will not want to miss the next Another View, Friday, November 17 at noon on 89.5 WHRV-FM or stream us live at anotherviewradio.org!