Kim Drew and Tunde Olaniran pop by to bless the newly-inaugurated stude! *champagne popping emoji* 

Tracy and Tunde bring back What Had Happened Was and Tracy tells the tale of narrowly escaping (maybe) being serial killed (or sex orgied.) Tunde, who you may remember from episode 60, does the very important work of giving us an update on what it's like in Flint right now and how to actively help the folks there who *still* do not have clean water. It has been over 600 days.

Kim Drew, a.k.a. Museum Mammy talks about her work in the art world, growing up in the fancy school world and which young contemporary artists' work you should know. She dismantles the idea of the carefree black girl in one blow: she's careful and you're going to love her for it. 

Follow Tunde Olaniran and his incredible music — and stay tuned for more of Tunde's talents next week!

Follow Kim Drew on all the things:

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