Episode 6 of Another Prank Call Show. Hosted by King Richard and Queen Olga.

In this episode we request a military escort from a hooker, make dogs howl at the moon, and take on corporate tyranny with good old fashion democracy.

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Join the APCS Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/rY3CkjV

Join the PLA Discord, where we can often be found wasting our lives. https://discord.gg/qXqhTTa

And Hijinks is another cool prank call Discord, where live calls and other fun stuff happens. https://hijinks.fun/chat

You should be supporting the Phone Losers of America. https://www.patreon.com/phonelosers

And if you're a PLA fan, you will love the awesomely illustrated and hilariously written webcomic, The Corporate Office. https://www.patreon.com/olgadrawsdragons

Send Henrik beer money. http://henrik.fnording.com/

Also check out the creative, mind bending patreon of snappybakes. https://www.patreon.com/snappybakes

Write us a brief email, and we'll read it on the show. You can also submit prank call ideas, phone number directories, and requests. anotherprankcallshow at gmail dot com

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Looking for more prank calls? Check out:

The theme song for Another Prank Call Show is by our friend cody.no.name, outro music is Good Night Heart by My Bubba. http://www.ohmybubba.com/

© 2018 Porcelain Phone Productions

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