Today we will cover a range of topics beginning with the recent passing of Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg, the nervous state of the Chinese regarding the Three Gorges Dam, and the sudden call up of millions of men into National service. Today, Bernie Sanders called for the prosecution of the "crooks of Wall Street"... then, Might Edward Snowden garner a Presidential Pardon? There appears to be a growing chorus of woke Spotify employees that want to censor their new 100 million dollar star, Joe Rogan…Out in the far North Atlantic, a climate change tipping point may have already been crossed. 
I've got all the detail inside this episode of Another Perspective here on Metadigm Digital.

03:39 Dissents Speaks To A Future Age.-Ruth Bader Ginsburg

08:23 Is Three Gorges Dam about to break? It is at 700 percent above normal water flow. 

11:49 Is Taiwan going to declare an independent government and be recognized by the UN? 

14:59 Has Global Money Laundering Been Flourishing at Deutsche Bank and Other Banks?

27:24 Has The Atlantic Circulation Tipping Point Been Crossed Into The Ice Age?