So many of the inequities seen across the globe stem from the family, therefore, private control of a Nation’s sovereign currency and Banking system. Might bitcoin reduce some of the many inequities?

There is no question, across the world, that these are strange times. Strange and unpredictable events so often shatter one's best-laid plans and expectations. Twenty-twenty has done nothing but rewrite every part of people's lives.  

We have tried to anticipate the next set of big unexpected events and buy an insurance policy for these, what may be, eventualities. Inside this episode, I examine Bitcoin's power, illustrating exactly why it will have a place in the financial future of all.

01:29 What’s Happening With Gold and Silver

05:14 Is there a vaccine on the horizon

09:15 Will BitCoin Go Parabolic

28:06 Once The Herd Shows Up Silver And Gold Will Be Gone