Hey Anonymous.fm listeners!

Happy International Women's Day 🎉

There are 2 interesting events I attended😎

Hosted by Code Polaris, "Nevertheless, she coded" in Japanese women dev community, and "Nevertheless, she coded" in DEV Community.

Code Polaris is the one I mentioned a bit in the previous episode, a Japanese women's dev community.

All the contents and events are in Japanese but I wanted to share what we do cool things in there😎

This time, I spoke as a speaker to share how I joined tech from non-traditional backgrounds.

In DEV Community, I joined by writing a blog post with #SheCoded.

You can check all of them out there👇


In this episode, you'll hear me saying 2 things.

1. What do we do in Code Polaris?

2. What I wrote in the movement, “Nevertheless, she coded” in DEV Community?

Other sources in this episode are here :)

- Code Polaris: https://code-polaris.connpass.com/

- DEV Community, Nevertheless, she coded, Arisa Fukuzaki: https://dev.to/arisa_dev/nevertheless-she-coded-arisa-fukuzaki-2cjh

- Front-End Foxes: https://www.vuevixens.org/

- The Global Gender Gap Index: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2020.pdf

- Global Gender Gap Report 2020 | World Economic Forum: https://www.weforum.org/reports/gender-gap-2020-report-100-years-pay-equality

- Lilac, my programming learning service: https://note.com/frontendlifeinde/m/m9b8feda1d547