Jen and Angela tell the tale of their Nov. 2013 cosplay adventures, at the Wizard World Comic Con in Austin, Texas. 

The commentary and footage is focused on:

- The cosplay experience at Austin Comic Con

- Tips on wearing a Star Trek: The Original Series skant dress (don't make our mistakes, ladies)

- The Scott Bakula/ William Shatner and Jewel Staite panels

- Photos ops with various celebrities

-  A mini review of their Skant dresses, made by Anovos and CosplaySky,

-  A report on their experience with a company called "Circle Cam". Circle Cam captured a series of 360 images of the          Anomaly  group in costume—that imagery is also included in the video.

-  After Party

Jen and Angela tell the tale of their Nov. 2013 cosplay adventures, at the Wizard World Comic Con in Austin, Texas. 

The commentary and footage is focused on:

- The cosplay experience at Austin Comic Con

- Tips on wearing a Star Trek: The Original Series skant dress (don't make our mistakes, ladies)

- The Scott Bakula/ William Shatner and Jewel Staite panels

- Photos ops with various celebrities

-  A mini review of their Skant dresses, made by Anovos and CosplaySky,

-  A report on their experience with a company called "Circle Cam". Circle Cam captured a series of 360 images of the          Anomaly  group in costume—that imagery is also included in the video.

-  After Party