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Hi, I'm Jen and this is Anomaly's first podcast episode about Outlander. I recently sat down with my sister and my mom to discuss the time traveling series written by Diana Gabaldon. We also talked about the first two episodes of the new television show that Gabaldon and Ronald D. Moore created, based on her novels. Alas, I don't have the Starz Channel, but my mom graciously offered to record them for me—it's good to have connections. A couple of weeks ago, I had a free weekend, so I  traveled seventy-five miles to watch them with her and my younger sister. It was our "girls' night". We shared a couple of  bottles of wine and some laughs as we talked late into the evening about why we enjoyed the series. It's a very good excuse to get together more often and I think we're going to make it a habit.

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