In this edition of Anomaly, Jen and Angela discuss "Rascals" from Star Trek: The NExt Generation's sixth season. It's an episode that features a preteen Picard, Guinan, Keiko and Ro; it's not the "best of Trek", but it is certainly one of the more entertaining of this particular series. Angela and Jen also announce their plans for a live anniversary show--Anomaly is now seven years old and to celebrate they are hosting a live broadcast on Mixlr on March 1st at 2pm CST. There will be a chat room on Mixlr, where you will be able to interact with the hosts as well as other listeners. You'll have to sign up for a free account to participate in a chat, but it's not necessary to login to Mixlr to simply listen. Please "Like" the Anomaly Facebook page and join the Facebook Group for upcoming news pertaining to the live event. The details will also be announced in the podcast feed, Tweeted and posted on the Anomaly web site homepage under the "Events" listing.

Jen also announced a new podcast that will she and two of her friends will soon be releasing, called "The Star Wars Stacks". It's a Star Wars Expanded Universe book club. Stay tuned to the Anomaly web site and FB page for links to the new show.

Thank you to Rico, Scott and Stephen for their audio comments. If you wish to send us feedback on this or any other episode, please record an audio file and email [email protected] or use the widget on our homepage or call 432.363.4742 and leave a brief message.

Also included in this episode is a cameo appearence by Jen's little boy "Aaron".

Thanks for listening! Have a great week!