“Making abstract art is like standing naked without the support of imagery to hide behind”. –Suzanne Frazier, contemplative artist.

Abstraction in art indicates a departure from reality. The departure from accurate representation can be slight, partial, or complete. Abstraction exists along a continuum from early in the 20th century.

How do you view abstraction? Is it really easy? We’ve all heard, “my five year old could do that.”

Do we read forms in the work even if there is no intent by the artist? Who is your favorite abstract artist?

How do you view abstraction? Is it as easy to do as it looks? We’ve all heard “my five year old could do that.”

Do we read forms in the work even if there is no intent by the artist?

American Abstract Artists was founded in 1936 in New York City, at a time when abstract art was met with strong critical resistance. Have we moved on from abstraction to other art forms more relevant to today?


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