Citiesabc interviews Anndy Lian, an Inter-Governmental Blockchain Adviser, Book Author and Investor.

Anndy Lian is a global thought leader and an all-rounded business strategist with more than 15 years of experience in Asia. He has provided advisory across a variety of industries for local, international & public listed companies. Anndy played a pivotal role in not-for-profit and quasi-government linked organizations. An avid supporter for incubating start-ups, Anndy has investments in a few health-related companies. He believes that what he is doing through Linfinity and blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses.

Anndy Lian Interview focus

1. An introduction from you: education, professional background
2. Asia is one of the most dynamic regions in the world. You have been working in Singapore and South Korea, which are at the forefront of technological development. How do you see this dynamic in the region and especially in these two countries?
3. There is no doubt that governments and organizations need to better understand blockchain and your company is keen to make that vision a reality. Can you tell us more about Linfinity and its mission?
4. Blockchain is one of the fundamental technologies of the 4IR with a lot of potential but we are still in the theoretical stage. Many countries are lagging behind in R&D and there is a lack of awareness about blockchain. Working with governments and businesses, can you share with us your thoughts on what is the general approach to blockchain?
5. You have written ‘Blockchain Revolution 2030’ and very active as a blockchain writer. Can you tell us about your work as an author and how you see blockchain intertwined with traditional industries?
6. Blockchain technology combined with AI is a powerful setup that can create really innovative and interesting solutions for many of our current challenges, such as leveraging trust in technology, digital identity, etc. At the same time, it also raises some concerns in some sectors. including governments and users. How do you see this?
7. Cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more mainstream. Countries are developing CBDCs, there are thousands of different digital currencies, companies use them to raise money through ICOs and, more recently, STOs… How do you see the cryptocurrency industry right now, especially the evolution from ICOs to STOs?
8. From your experience working with governments, advising companies and your knowledge about blockchain and emerging technologies, what would be your advise to governments and companies and what do you expect about the future of blockchain?

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