We're back from the break, and this week we chat with Sakuga & Anime History blogger Matteo Wattzky (a.k.a. Animétudes), covering such topics as the best Gundam, TMS, Sakuga, and of course, Yoshinori Kanada.

You should follow Matteo on Twitter, and read his blog. We particularly recommend

 His BIG CHART of Animator influences
The Sakuga Starter Pack (and the rest of the series)
The History of TMS series
Animating Terror: Noroi the White Weasel

The Anime Research Group is a weekly podcast about all the anime we never got round to watching. Episodes contain spoilers for early episodes of the shows, and ill-informed speculation on future episodes.  There are a few instances of cursing.

You can find us on twitter @research_anime or on youtube. New episodes come out on Thursdays. 

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