This. Anime. Was. AMAZING. We loved every freaking minute of it. That being said, if you haven't seen it... STOP READING THIS AND GO WATCH IT!!

1. Because we're going to spoil some shit in this episode.
2. It's just such an easy watch, you won't want to turn it off and can easily binge it in a day. DO IT.

The composition was done really well. Clever sound design in most of the pieces, most of them were really simple and relatable, yet some were balls to walls ornate and complex, AND Yuki Kaijura does a fantastic job using audio to symbolize different aspects of the characters/situations.

Oh yeah, both the OP and the ED reached #1 on the Japan Hot Animation Billboard, both were top 20 on the Oricon, and the OP was eerily too perfect for this anime considering it was first recorded in 2004. Just listen in and you'll know what we mean.

So grab them cans and let's gooooo!!

YouTube Playlist: AN-20: Erased

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