Welcome to season two of Animator's Breakfast and I'm very excited for it's coming year. To kick things off, I couldn't be happier or more humbled to be joined with Howard Wimshurst. 
He is a freelance animator, content creator and generous teacher. Howard's passion and fundamental knowledge of the processes, both technically and philosophically, of animation are unparalleled in my opinion. It's always a joy to get to speak with him and I learn so much every time. As with many people you may meet in life, his openness, honesty with himself and love of the craft are refreshing and addictive to be a part of. His own podcast, The Animator's Guild Podcast, I would recommend for everyone to check out if they haven't already. I was lucky enough to be a guest and that is effectively the first part of our conversation. 
Round Two is all about Aleksandr Petrov. If you don't know who he is, I urge you to stop right now and seek out his work. His shorts, such as The Old Man and the Sea, My Love, The Cow, Mermaid and many more, are baffling in technique, scope and observation, when you think about how he approached them. His animation process runs a perfect line of destruction and creation. Painting each frame with oil on glass, he then shifts around the paint with his finger to create the next frame, totally destroying the previous image. Overtime new life emerges as his vision starts to move. Petrov is a true master of his technique and of his craft. 
Check out Howard's website here: https://www.howardwimshurst.com/ 
His incredible Youtube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/howardwimshurst
Animator’s Breakfast is part of Any-mation and hosted and edited by Cole Delaney.  
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