Bee Grandinetti is an independent graphic designer, animator and illustrator who is currently working on a team at Google Creative Lab. On the episode, we talked about her consistent desire to learn, her love for small companies and working in her PJs, and how she manages to still be social while working so many hours.




Motionographer Article -



-Hyper Island

-Google Creative Lab

-A new/experimental team of Google.

-Blend talk

-School Of Motion


-Trend researching company working design


-Fresh Content

-Moved to Sweden  

-Feeling fresh and inspired

-Always wanting to learn

-Student perspective>Industry Leader

-Final projects

-Get familiar with people in the industry

-Prefers smaller companies

-Loves working from home

-Goals: Learn Animate & TV Paint. Acting classes.

-Learning how to represent people-acting-research.

-Ukulele. (always wanted to be in a band)

- Dream Client: No one in particular, someone who pays me in a comfortable way, and to hire friends to work with. Give me deadlines. Creative freedom. Something I cares about.

- Favorite Animated Film: Lion King, and The Grave of The Fireflies.

- What does your family think you do:  Super boring answer. They know, there's no confusion.

- Animalator: Baby Goat on Pajamas…mini baby goat!