Dave Chenell is on the motion team at Google. During the episode, we talk about his love for designing games, his new found joy in creating music, and the importance of finishing and sharing your passion projects.  



Twitter: https://twitter.com/davechenell

Website: thewaterbear.com



-Job at Google

-Studied information studies

-Failed startup

-Learning to code

-The more knowledge you get the more cautious you are to approach new things

-The Dark Room

-David OReilly’s game Everything


-Side hobby: Music

-Finishing side projects

-Throwing out stuff to an audience helps

-Balance between Google’s style and his personal style

-Introduction to virtual reality

-Where are you trying to go

-Intentionally don’t plan

-Work habits - night owl

-Dream Client: NASA

-Favorite Animated Film: The External World by David OReilly

-What does your family think you do: Google - The Search Engine

-Animalators: Flying space dinosaur

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