Coyotes, bears and raccoons can be very dangerous for pets and so can midday sun and heat. Older dogs are especially vulnerable to stroke if exercised when its hot. Does your cat come when called? Does he shake paw or jump up where you tell him to go? If this sounds impossible, you aren’t trying Deb’s cat training tips! She explains how you can train your cat to come to his name in one day and do many more tricks as easily as you train a dog, in fact it may be easier. Is your cat painfully shy? Deb gives tips on how to overcome shyness and fear in dogs and cats and help them make new human friends. If you know someone with a need for a special companion dog as a helper for a special needs person or child please contact us at camp good dog for a special price on a poodle puppy for service.

EPISODE NOTES: Heat and Wildlife Safety For Pets