Throughout the history of human civilization there have been large number of instances where so called “miracles” have been performed. These have included levitation, production of material things from thin air, physical healing, etc. The nature of these miracles is same, irrespective of religion and different civilizations. Some of their accounts have been exaggerated but a large body of information shows remarkable consistency in their nature and reporting. To my mind these events have come because of interaction of human thought and material surroundings. After all, a thought produced by physical brain has to be physical in nature and hence governed by scientific laws. Thus the curiosity arose about which laws of science operate to make these things happen. I have tried to explore these issues in my first book called “Nature of Human Thought” which was published in 2004 and its second edition in 2010. Recently I have written another book “Spirituality + Technology = Happiness” which extends and explores the issues of mind-matter interaction further.

Besides I have been writing on these issues quite regularly in Times of India (Speaking Tree section); Huffington Post and recently in Thrive Global. All these essays are also available at one place in my writings.

The ideas contained in the books and writings have evolved intermittently over a long period of time and have been written in a diary form and posted on the web.

I have been writing on these matters since 1977. Most of them are however intuitive and speculative in nature and hence are not exact in the formal sense. It is my hope that some bright reader will help in providing a rigorous formulation to some of them and do further research on these ideas. With this in mind I am doing a podcast on this issue and have included the link to the diary in the description of this podcast.

The URL of this podcast is at: