All of us who believe in India’s story and have strong attachment to this
ancient land of ours, want to see a prosperous and happy India. Each one of
us have a dream of how India should develop and progress. Just as Jawahar
Lal Nehru our first prime minister had said at the time of getting
independence that he had to solve 300 million problems (the population of
India at that time); similarly each one of us may have thought about “India
of my dreams”, though majority of us do not express it.

I feel a new thought and paradigm of development based upon the idea that
spirituality with technology produces happiness should be added to it.
Technology allows us to take care of our basic and daily needs and
spirituality gives us wisdom to use technology judiciously and for our needs
and not for our greed. This can lead to sustainable development and happiness for citizens of India and is the basis of “India of my dreams”!

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