The COP conferences are really a sham and a show of hypocritical behavior which brings out the real face of the selfish and the control freaks of the world.  In the recently concluded COP 27 the much touted creation of loss and damage fund was nothing but hot air.  With no details about who will provide money for the fund and which country will get how much this remains only platitudes.     

The tycoons, heads of states and big industry leaders fly in their expensive personal jets and stay in total luxury in the resort places which are the venues of the conferences. There were reports that about 400 private jets landed in Egypt carrying the delegates! The amount of energy use and carbon dioxide production by these events is enormous and all the trappings of unsustainable lifestyle are on display by people who are talking and preaching about sustainable lifestyle!

Dr. Anil Rajvanshi has given suggestions on how to make them productive and what should be done to help go on the path to sustainability.