In this podcast Dr. Rajvanshi ( talks about how spirituality gives us wisdom to use technology properly and also help us live sustainably. There is tremendous turmoil in the world.

I believe it has to do with the tremendous insecurity that mankind faces. Increased population pressures, stress of daily life, increased expectations fueled by social media together with the need for instant gratification add to this insecurity. This, in turn, fuels the greed impulse and for some who have power and resources, this impulse is enhanced.

One of the best ways to reduce greed and insecurity is by practicing spirituality. Greed is an outcome of the desire to possess. It is a part of the evolutionary process, and every human being wants to have resources for distressed times. In the absence of wisdom, this degenerates into hoarding impulse and greed. By practicing spirituality one can get the wisdom to understand that we should use things for our needs and not for our greed as Mahatma Gandhi once said.

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