Welcome one and all to the Anibros show. As you are well used to, the editing has been slow for the past couple of weeks. While we have a couple episodes ‘in the can,’ as we say in the business, their timeliness is called into question more and more with the passing days.


When we recorded this, the KyoAni fire was the talk of the town. Since this was recorded, many new facts and details have been made known about the event. So, please take our limited knowledge and minor speculation with the proverbial ‘grain of salt.’


We then proceed to talk about the very beginning of Summer season, even though now, in the modern times, we are 6 weeks in. And because we have a few episodes already recorded, you will be able to join us through time as we discover new things a few weeks later than everyone else…


Hopefully you don’t listen to us for the breaking news reports.


This week’s hosts:

Laven – @LavenVoth
Kenny – @sakoku_otaku




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