Released in 2003, the first Kino’s Journey anime is an episodic affair that centers around an AI-imbued motorad named Hermes and its rider, a traveler named Kino. They visit country (town) after country and stay no more than three days at a time to observe the inhabitants and their customs. The series, based on a series of light novels (…no wait, keep reading!) by Keiichi Sigsawa and directed by Ryutaro Nakamura (Serial Experiments Lain), offers settings not bound by any solid sense of chronology or aesthetic; countries can combine such disparate genre elements as sci-fi and Western, and the differences between neighboring countries can make them seem centuries apart. Kino’s Journey is one of Ink’s favorite anime, and Jared just watched it for the first time. Find out what we have to say and then maybe go grab yourself a copy. (The sale referred to during the podcast is over, but the series is still a steal at $20.) Jared and Ink also talk a little bit about the recent reboot, Kino’s Journey – the Beautiful World – The Animated Series.

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Runtime: 1 hr, 9 min

Show Notes
Opening Song: “Through the Glass” by Kaz Mirblouk
Ending Song: “Money 1973” by NO FUTURE
00:01 – Let’s talk 2003 Kino!
19:50 – Chris Beveridge’s Kino’s Journey review
30:30 – Chromatic Aberration Everywhere’s insightful and thorough post on Kino’s Journey and Buddhism.
39:00 – New Kino!
50:40 – Twitter questions!
63:20 – Ink’s Kino’s Journey slice-of-life and induction features for Crunchyroll.
Twitter: Ani-Gamers, Oldtaku no RadioInk, Jared
Ink also writes for Otaku USA Magazine and The Fandom Post.
Jared also writes for The Electrum Edition and Wave Motion Cannon.