Evan’s not flying back to New Jersey for AnimeNEXT, but he did attend FanimeCon 2014 in San Jose, CA. In this podcast, recorded on the fourth and final day of Fanime, Evan sits down with his Crunchyroll coworkers and arch-frenemies, Victoria Holden (a.k.a. SailorBee) and Danika Harrod (a.k.a. DarlingDaniChan) and cosplay photographer Ben Lam to talk about the con. Topics include Kill la Kill cosplay, Anime Hell, anime triathlons, and the “flipping off Evan” meme. This podcast was recorded in a hotel lobby, so the audio has a lot of background noise. Sorry!

Show notes, links, and comments after the break.

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Opening/Ending Song: “Kill Me” by Lame Drivers
Our guests: Danika Harrod, Victoria Holden, and Ben Lam
Everyone but Ben works at Crunchyroll, the anime and Asian drama streaming website.
The “Flipping off Evan” meme is a thing that Danika started on Twitter for no good reason. Former Ani-Gamers blogger Elliot Page started a Tumblr compiling the best shots.
Evan ran/participated in four panels: Introducing Studio Trigger (slightly updated version of the “‘Trigger’ Warning” Genericon panel), The Beautiful Backgrounds of Anime, The Changing Faces of Anime, and the Crunchyroll Industry Panel.
Victoria/Danika’s cosplays: Elf/Sorceress (Dragon’s Crown), Utena/Maou (Revolutionary Girl Utena/Maoyu), Griffith/Guts (Berserk)
Panels Evan went to: Takami Akai (Gainax char. designer) Q&A, Noir (Gainax marketing) Q&A, Anime & Manga for Parents (run by Gilles Poitras), Anime Hell (this one is from Ryan Gavigan), Most Hilarious Bootlegs (run by Heidi Kemps), and History of Sports Anime/Manga (run by Tom Langston)
Kill la Kill was the most popular show for cosplay at Fanime. Watch it right now on Crunchyroll, Netflix, or Daisuki.
We don’t have photos from the con up yet, but we’ll link them here once they’re online.
Otaku USA Magazine: Evan and Ink wrote stuff for the new issue (cover is JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure). Evan wrote about Yuyushiki and Red Data Girl (that one was supposed to be in the last issue) and Ink wrote about Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren’t They?
Twitter: Ani-GamersEvan, Victoria, Danika, Crunchyroll, Shitty Guts, Shitty Griffith (parody Berserk accounts)
Ben’s stuff: cosplay photography Facebook page, Instagram account
Email us at [email protected]!