Usually, she flies into your inbox with a bunch of stories about how badly someone hurt her. Note, this happens BEFORE YOU EVEN KNOW who she is. I am not talking about the kind of sharing that goes on within friendship. I am not talking about your ass being nosey and coming into someones inbox to ask them about a thing then judging them as DBR because you are a nosey gossip. 

I am talking about a woman so wounded and broken, all she does is bleed. She doesn't want to heal, she is happy to just bleed and suck up your vitality to refresh her loss. 

Now, there is medicine and poison in everything. While i respect that BW are being less emotional and more calculating, i do NOT respect women who are DBR emotionally retarded beings. The cause of this is often their mothers. I know it was my mother who created the emotional retardation within me. This disconnected me from my feelings and invalidated my right to feel at all. This is a consequence of the Mother Wound. When women HEAL those Mother Wounds, when we own our right to feel; we become infinitely more connected to other women. We become infinitely more connected to ourselves as Sovereign Feminines. It is our right to feel how we feel, we need only be careful about how it directs the course of our lives. Emotionally retarded women do not connect to their feeling. Unless or until they are trying to play the martyr or trying to emotionally manipulate others to curry their favor against another bw. The best way to deal with an emotionally retarded woman is to disengage and block her. Remover her from having access to you. The same way we tell you leave these emotionally retarded men alone. Because these people are prime predators (in the making) and your loving, generous, giving spirited nature is exactly what they desire to feed on.