Join us for my 5 part series called "The mirror: Get mad and stay mad" as we take on a diff aspect of the black community that is problematic and troubling for black women. We need to give ourselves permission to be mad and stay mad!


In the black community, we lack male leadership. There are multiple men who THINK they are leaders, but they lead us down the path of destruction. Black men fail to be leaders because they compete with women vs men. This is a patriarchy, men compete with other men. The black mans failure to "man up" in patriarchy has manifested in a severe loss of wealth. 

Wealth is passed from the father, in patriarchy. We have black "fathers" complaining about $200 a month child support orders from the state. If black men, who rarely if ever operate homes on their own strength; fail to see how this sets up the children? 

What can black women do? Tonight we discuss this.