Sign up for our Puzzy Language 4 class here:

In the Vedic Tradition, all power sources from Shakti: Shakti is the divine feminine life force energy. The unfotunate impact of the suppression of the Divine Feminine Life force energy is that modern women juggling career, family, and relationships, have gotten so caught up in the go-go, do-do trance of the hypermasculine that you’ve lost touch with the source of your authentic primal feminine power. Savage Seduction: The Right of the Dark Divine Feminine to tap into her power and without apology, pursue her true desires on her terms. Using Logic, Wisdom and Dark B!tch Craft, the Dark Divine Feminine goes for exactly what she wants, and gets it every time. 


We will be studying the Art of Seduction from a Dark Divine Feminine Perspective.

This is a One Month study on The Savage Art of seduction, and the Power of the Female Sexual Privilege:

Spirit: Celestial Virgin MotherIntellect: Vital SparkAttitude: Persona/PersonalityBONUS: FREE mystery book gift. 

The womb is the altar upon which spirit becomes suffused into matter. ~ AnRa MaEl