Sign up here for The Sacred Power of Sound Book Study:


Sign up here for The Sacred Power of Sound Book Study:


They always come for the Black Oracles and the Black Oracle Scribes first. We are the single most reviled group on the planet. Because we are tasked with remembering, and with repeating what we remember.

People like their informed ignorance. They privilege it and think YOU are crazy. It is dangerous to KNOW and to Speak what you Know In A global cult of ignorance and arrogance in said ignorance.

I get it and see it clearly. And I will be sharing with you all WHY this cycle has repeated in my Radio Show. Live at 12 pm. You won't wanna miss it. This is the Second Show in my Black Scribes Matter series. Be there or be square. I will share with you the Wisdom of the Crone that helped me get my act together and wake up to a different awareness and level of consciousness in me. Friday we have Author Jacqueline D. Harris Coming to speak with us on her Book and her friendship with the Mother of Science Fiction!