My next blog post will be about the black womans attraction to, lust and desire for, black male rapists. As evidenced by their support of Nate Parker.

If you saw the movie or plan to? Get off my page. I have survived male sexual terrorism and never reported it to the police. Because I know men stand together against us black women. I turned to the Dark Mother to handle my rapist and his female fan base of support. Black men always have female support no matter how heinous, abusive, useless and sadistic they are.

And while Y'all are focused on the acquittal, George Zimmerman was acquitted too despite being told by police to get in his car and go home. Despite the fact that Trayvon died! Despite the fact that he had no right, as a civilian, to profile and follow that young man. His ass is scott free! Just like the rapist Nate Parker.

And you all still bytch about that. If you support birth of a nation, if you think this is natural and normal because it is black male sexuality? Because black males are sexually aggressive and sexually selfish to the point of rape as described in this picture?

Get the hell out! And may the Dark Forces who live in me make it real uncomfortable for you to remain here.