I will be sharing with you sisters how to be The Priestess of your own life. How to preside over the realm of creation and death, with Real Dark Wisdom, and Dark Gnosis for Power. Black women have been stripped of all power and authority. Left behind with nothing but self hate, self loathing, self sacrifice and self sabotage. This is 75% of bw too. You who encounter/come to me for healing are the Rare 1 in 4 who will divest and win. Ignorance is indeed a CURSE, and the fallen bw wants to keep you ignorant thus cursed with her and her manifested bad decision making. Invest in yourself to change your outcome and future.

Sign up here for my 5 course series SEASON OF THE WITCH: PRIESTESS WISDOM FOR MODERN BW. Covering: 
DARK Womb MasteryWhat is a WitchBlood/Lunar MysteriesCreating your own Personal UniverseSharing out of season vs moving in STEALTH??
REAL Dark Wisdom is WITCH CRAFT or it is Bullshyt. ~ Deva