Tonight we discuss the complete lack of care given to women's emotional wellness and health. Oh we are called emotional, plenty, but these things we feel, why we feel them and more are discounted by men and even by other women. Emotional abuse is terrible and deeply impactful on wombn. Emotional NEGLECT is just as bad. We discuss this on tonights show and further in the Impromptu Tele-Call later this evening.


Tonight's Impromptu Tele-Call "Don't Be Silly" will cover more than just the choices we make in whether or not to entertain male conversation. We know well that when men talk they are setting us up to receive something or another. However, there is this other SHADY element that no one cops to, the element of the "random predator" (they're never random) who attacks you or sabotages you, when you REFUSE him.

I read an article about this poor sister who was RAPED by a man just released from prison. She was just walking through a park at 12 noon. This animal slides up tryina holla. She expresses disinterest, and this subhuman BEAST decided to force her into a private space, at gun point, so he could rape her and FORCE HER to accept him. This is happening far more often than we would like to believe sisters. We have to admit, when it comes to black males especially for we who are black women, our enemy and predator is the one who is SUPPOSED to be the Protector and Provider. We will be discussing ALL means of protection tonight on the Call. SIGN UP HERE: