I honestly surmise that the sole source of all female displeasure is the sexual vampirism of men and their satiation of their lust on our bodies. when men relate to women, essentially, as hump rags and when womens bodies, yonis, spirits, yin energy is nothing more than a thing he masturbates himself with and upon, we see a RASH of displeasure and a great disconnect.
Orgasmic Bliss is something DEEPER than just the length of the lingham or the way he strokes your Clitoris internally. No maam. Orgasmic Bliss is about Sacred Connection to Prime Source. Orgasmic Bliss releases endorphins in the brain, and endorphins heal and transform PAIN. Sexual, Sensual, Spiritual Orgasmic Bliss has the power to HEAL YOU and transform. the LACK of this sacred connection is the source of all misery and dis-ease of the mind and the body. When a Wombn isn't depressed (which is ANGER turned INWARD) she is free to be clear headed, connected to herself as a Creator God and a Magnet of Attraction. Her internal Feminine stands up from its formerly wounded posture and Glories in her Divinity. Her internal Masculine stands up from its formerly diminished posture and Glories in Divinity. These two engage in a Hieros Gamos alchemy that is unlike any other physical tangible sensual union. At that point, the Wombn is not only awake and aware, she is ready to experience the full bliss that is her Birth Rite.
Sex without SPIRITUAL connection is damn bestial. period. Something that Yoni Egg use has revealed to me? My Yoni is a SELFISH and INSATIABLE lover. She will not even TOLERATE a lingham that isn't energetically tuned to her frequency. In fact, my yoni will CLOSE and discharge anything that isn't on her energetic frequency. She also lets me know WHAT season for sexual exploration and which ones for Internal Reflection and Upgrades.
What is YOUR YONI saying to YOU?