Then I stepped forward from the rest and said, "Lord, if, as thou hast taught us, the woman is the highest form of humanity, and the last to be assumed, how comes it that thou, the Christ, art still in the lower form of man? Why comest thou not to lead the perfect life, and to save the world as woman? For surely, thou hast attained to womanhood." And Jesus answered, "I have attained to womanhood, as thou sayest; and already have I taken the form of woman. But there are three conditions under which the soul returns to the man's form; and they are these:
"1st. When the work which the Spirit proposes to accomplish is of a nature unsuitable to the female form."2nd. When the Spirit has failed to acquire, in the degree necessary to perfection, certain special attributes of the male character."3rd. When the Spirit has transgressed, and gone back in the path of perfection, by degrading the womanhood it had attained.
"In the first of these cases the return to the male form is outward and superficial only. This is my case. I am a woman in all save the body...Therefore am I--a woman--clothed in a man's body that I may be enabled to do the work set before me.

"The second case is that of a soul who, having been a woman perhaps many times, has acquired more aptly and readily the higher qualities of womanhood than the lower qualities of manhood...

"The third case is that of the backslider, who having nearly attained perfection,--perhaps even touched it,--degrades and soils his white robe, and is put back into the lower form again. These are the common cases; for there are few women who are worthy to be women."