Welcome to episode 55, in which we talk about genre conventions — which are tropes to be played with and which are creator-audience covenants to be firmly observed? True to our covenant with you, listeners, we tangent on some things … Continue reading →

Welcome to episode 55, in which we talk about genre conventions — which are tropes to be played with and which are creator-audience covenants to be firmly observed? True to our covenant with you, listeners, we tangent on some things we feel strongly about (Logan, Attack on Titan, vodka).

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“Happily Never After, and the Changing Nature of the Romance Novel”, discussing the JR Ward situation.

Okay! Say what you want. But your cat is still a cat and your mystery with one kiss from an otherwise offstage person is not a romance.

— Courtney!!! Milan (@courtneymilan) April 10, 2017

Yes. This is the dividing line between "you do you" and "whoa, that's fraud." https://t.co/v1r2rag7nV

— Courtney!!! Milan (@courtneymilan) April 10, 2017

Enforced by whom? There's no romance police. People can do literally whatever they want. https://t.co/yOicmMFmGr

— Courtney!!! Milan (@courtneymilan) April 10, 2017

Lindsay Ellis’s video essay on Disney Villains

Andy Richter Visits Guillermo Del Toro’s Bleak House

My Fair Duchess by Megan Frampton review on SmartBitchesTrashyBooks.com

An Extraordinary Union by Alyssa Cole is the April book club selection on SmartBitchesTrashyBooks.com

That podcast tweet we’re a little salty about. Yes, we’re 3 and 4.

podcast genres : 1. Men going on about things. 2. Whispery crime 3.Millennials talking over each other 4. Should be 20 minutes shorter

— emily bell (@emilybell) April 12, 2017

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